and I eat men like air."
— Sylvia Plath

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Today's meditation focused on the root chakra.
The Base or Root Chakra is associated with the color red. This chakra is the grounding force that allows us to connect to the earth energies and empower our beings. Focusing one's attention on the color of a cherry popsicle or a juicy red apple can help bring our energetic body "down to earth" and in alignment with our physical body when we find ourselves energetically fleeting or in other words....."spacing off."
Chakra One - Associations
Color - red
Sanskrit Name - muladhara
Physical Location - base of the spine
Purposes - kinesthetic feelings, movement
Spiritual Lesson - material world lessons
Physical Dysfunctions- lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors, depression, immune related disorders
Mental and Emotional Issues - survival, self esteem, social order, security, family
Information Stored Inside Root Chakra - familial beliefs, superstitions, loyalty, instincts, physical pleasure or pain, touch
Area of Body Governed - spinal column, kidneys, legs, feet, rectum, immune system
I used the following meditation video as an aid:
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This is my first attempt at Chakra meditation. I did find my mind straying at times, and I also found myself forgetting to breathe deeply. The elements of the meditation appeared a bit overwhelming. I hope that with time, and as the weeks pass I will be able to learn how to focus my mind more efficiently.
The video is particularly useful in teaching you what you must say to yourself during the Root Chakra meditation. I found that the directions were given a bit too fast. I think that it is best to use guided meditation as an introduction and once one understands the steps it may be easier to follow them at one's own pace in silence.
1. Today is my last day of being 21 and I am celebrating the last hour by jamming out to my newly synced IPOD!!! Nothing beats a good song that makes you daydream!!! (Perhaps my daydream abilities is what prevents me from focusing my mind during meditation....ooops)
2. Last year I was in the UK for my birthday. I celebrated the day alone, by vising famous sites in London and ended the night with pound a pint night with some exchange friends. I did not get to celebrate my birthday with my boyfriend, so tomorrow is the first day I get to celebrate my birthday with him (even though I've celebrated his birthday twice). I am excited for this!!! We will not be able to see each other much because of our busy schedules but I would have killed for a birthday kiss and hug a year ago. I can't wait :)
Until tomorrow's blog entry, Goodbye!!! I'll be 22!!! What a weird number combination!